Day 5
On the train
Ok a late start, a breakfast the same as the other four days - boiled egg, bread, cheese meat and croissants and tea; and then off the Station.
We had decided to use the 'vaporetti' the public transit boats. Negotiating the ticket machine we then boarded and the next stop was the "Ferrovia" - Train Station. We had been here yesterday so we know the drill - check the Board for the train, it was on the Board not cancelled today. A wait in the coffee shop; a very cheap Americano 1.5 euro. "Not Venice prices here!", said the checkout guy - good!
hour 1 on the train
The train arrived and then chaos, although we had a ticket there were no reservations. We wondered what to do when arriving at car 258, there were reservations but some named others not. But the DeutchesBahn app, on the phone, showed us as being in car 258 71/72. So we found the seats and although unnamed. the seats were marked Venice to Munich. We claimed them. I guess we weren't the only ones who didn't understand the system others are looking for a seat too.
vines |
hour 2
Heading across the North of Italy into Verona, landscape is typically European, lots of green fields grapes and corn, and boxy houses, stucco yellow and tiled roofs. There are fifteen stops on this train and we have done four of them the next big one, Verona, is coming up. Another discussion ensues, a couple of seats down about reserved seats, and people are standing in the aisles for a while. Discussion over and we now have seatmates. A German couple who don't speak much English. Cell coverage is really spotty so tracking the route and time is sporadic.
horizontal vines |
hour 3
Next big stop Trento, the terrain is changing more mountainside less fields. We are in the valley big cliffs to our sunny side, we are following the river. Definitely grape country. But these vines look like trees. Instead of vertical vines these vines are spread wide horizontally and hang on frames. Arriving in Trento next stop Bolzano, the start of the Alps.
hour 4
Still in Wine Country, big wine country, nothing but vines for miles. Bolzano the start of the Alps.
the Brenner Pass |
hour 5
Still climbing and still in wine country but the language on the signs is in German now. Going uphill now. Cell service is not good in these parts. Approaching the Brenner Pass the high spot in the Alps. Stopping at Brenner noticed a truck stop full of trucks waiting to go South. Now we have stopped in Brenner Station. On the go again, downhill all the way. Couldn't take pics the sun was in the way.
hour 5.5
Stopped in Innsbruck - a big place.
hour 7
Gonna be late by 14 minutes, travelling through many wooded areas the trees are blocking the view but I can see plenty of newly cut hay fields.
last view of the Alps |
hour 8
Arriving 35mins late. Managed to get out of the station and into the hotel. A bit hungry so went out again and discovered that we were in the Arab section of own. Not wanting falafal or donar we trekked back to the staion to the 'bratty" stand. But "only fries are left!" so we had fries and went back to bed.