Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Thessaloniki day 2

 Second day

Touring the City by HopOnHopOff bus was easy- just get to the appointed place buy tickets and sit for 75 minutes while you see the sights. The problem was that it was 36C at 1000hrs - too stinking hot to walk around. So we just looked at the places and admired the skill of the bus-driver who negotiated double-parked cars, narrow Streets and tight turns, all without so much as a scratch or even a backup.

The bus saved us a walk uphill as a large portion of the sights were at the top of the hill overlooking the bay. The Ancients loved to place fortifications on a hill and make the enemy come to them. We would have liked to see the Heptapyrgion - the Fort and Prison. Wiki ref here but the 30 minutes exploring and the 30 mins waiting for the next bus would have been torture!

Getting back to the Terminal, we were really happy we had seen most of the City and walked a few of the interesting Streets and we alit from the bus and headed for the shade and beverages. Suitably refreshed we decided to find a shady route back to the hotel and enjoy our A/C. Finding more things to look at made the walk back leisurely. 

I apologise for the brevity of these posts from Thessaloniki but the weather did give us time to pause from the activity of the other place we visited days before.

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